Data Definition Language

美 [ˈdeɪtə ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]英 [ˈdeɪtə ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]
  • 网络数据定义语言;定义语言;数据定义
Data Definition LanguageData Definition Language
  1. The data definition language and frame of code have been generated by Rose tool .


  2. Create data definition language ( DDL )


  3. Data Definition Language ( DDL ) and Data Manipulation Language ( DML )


  4. Finally , the generation of Data Definition Language has been improved to be more readily consumable .


  5. The DDL ( Data Definition Language ) statements throughout this article are provided as a sample .


  6. The set of statements , expressed in data definition language , that completely describe the structure of a data base .


  7. This project also has the Data Definition Language ( DDL ) files for the customer table for both DB2 and Oracle .


  8. Finally , we perform the Data Definition Language ( DDL ) statements using the executeCommand () method of the Database object .


  9. You can refer to the Data Definition Language ( DDL ) statements in Listing 1 to create the database and table for the sample application .


  10. You can execute both data definition language ( DDL ) and data manipulation language ( DML ) statements , and obtain and display the results using this tool .


  11. In our model , report data definition language ( RDDL ) and report format description language ( RFDL ) are used with interpreters to interpreter them .


  12. The db2look tool can extract data definition language ( DDL ) statements from a database in order to reproduce the database objects of a production database on a test database .


  13. DBlook is an important tool that ships with the Derby database engine that is used to generate Data Definition Language ( DDL ) scripts against a database schema .


  14. With one command from a single location , administrators can create new nodes and propagate the required Data Definition Language ( DDL ) across the grid to all the necessary locations .


  15. Using this tool , you can capture the data definition language ( DDL ) for such objects in the source database , and apply it to recreate those objects in the target database .


  16. It provides Data Definition Language ( DDL ) , Data Manipulation Language ( DML ) , as well built-in functions , such as : Sum , Average , Count , Maximum and Minimum .


  17. In most development environments , the changes are reversed by dropping all database objects and recreating them using the previous version of the SQL ( Data Definition Language [ DDL ] ) scripts .


  18. Data Definition Language ( DDL ) statements are not statements that can be rolled back , so if a user error involved DDL , you need to take proper measures to bring back your database .


  19. What 's more , by running it with an automated build , you can painlessly check the latest representation of the Data Definition Language ( DDL ) from your version-control repository .


  20. Traditional database design and development usually takes three steps to complete : firstly , hand-drawn ER diagram , and then manually to DDL ( Data Definition Language ) statement . Finally , execute the code in the database management system .


  21. Data and structure definition language compiler


  22. Its name was changed for legal reasons to SQL ( Structured Query Language ) even though it was built out to become a full data manipulation and definition language .


  23. Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator . A data definition language is used for this purpose .


  24. A prime example is physical data models that directly manipulate SQL Data Definition Language .


  25. The object-oriented data model is transformed to relationship data model by means of the translation of relationship tables in OODBMS to conventionally data definition language in RDBMS .
